Winter View from Turkey Foot
Fall View of Chippewa Boat Ramp
Just Driving Around the Lake
These folks from Delphos, Ohio were literally driving around Indian Lake today, on land and on water. The Amphicar is an amphibious automobile, launched at the 1961 New York Auto Show, manufactured in West Germany and marketed in the United States from 1961-1967, with production having ended in 1965. For those of us who remember when these cars were new it is great to see one at Indian Lake Ohio.
Taking Your Boat to Dinner |
One of the great things about using your boat at Indian Lake is the large number of places you can take you boat to get food. Here are a few suggestions, please let us know if we missed any. Jac N Do’s Pizza – They have a couple of docks for people to use when getting pizza, they also have great ice cream. Acheson’s – Their Friday night fish fry is famous as well as their music on the weekends. During the week they sponsor several fishing tournaments and you can sit on their new expanded porch and enjoy the lake. McDonalds – An international restaurant, no reservations needed. This family favorite features a large number of docks and plenty of lakeside tables. They are many great restaurant choices by boat at Indian Lake and we hope you try each of them this season. |
Russells Point Harbor – Yesterday and Today
For those of us who grew up spending our weekends at “the Point”, it was glorious. For people from around the Indian Lake Area Russells Point had it all. There was an amusement park, rides, games, and an amazing wooden roller coaster. The fun house amused the children and the adults loved the games. We saw the Glen Miller Orchestra and many other bands at the dance hall. Many people loved the Chris Craft boats that dotted the harbor and provided a “speedboat ride” or a sunset cruise. If you had your own speed boat and could “cruise” the harbor, that was the best. From 1929 to the 1970’s, children, grandchildren, and great grand childen and their parents enjoyed “the Point”. Thanks to the Reed Family and many businesses and contributors, we can once again enjoy the bridge over the harbor and the nice park on each side.
Levee Between Russells Point and Oldfied Beach Enhanced Years Ago
Many will remember back in the 1960’s when the road bed under Route 366 from Russells Point to Oldfield Beach also served as the levee for the west side of Indian Lake. When driving a car on old Route 366 you could see the lake on one side of the car and large ditch with cottages on the other side of the car. Many property owners along old Route 366 had docks on the lake and bridges across the ditch. In the 1970’s and 1980’s the state mounted a large dredging operation and increased the width of the levee on the west side of the lake by adding land to the lake side of the levee. Public parking areas were added along with a toilet facility between Lakeview and Russells Point and another between Lakeview and Oldfield Beach.
In the photo below the red line adjacent to the road designates the width of the old levee. The land inside the red lines show amount of land that was added to increase the width and saftey of the levee. The levee is protected state property and maintained by the state to insure the integrity of the levee.
Indian Lake Has Fish
Early season fishing has been good at Indian Lake. In addition to these larger catches many fisherman have been reporting good results around the lake. Good fishermen don’t usually give away their “sweet spots” and it is always a mystery where the big fish are caught.With an increased number of boaters who have migrated from Buckeye Lake and Lake St. Marys there appear to be more people fishing in the early tournaments. Pleasant weather has made spring fishing attractive and despite some light showers the weekend tournaments have been popular. |
No Wake Equals Idle – Ohio State Law
No person shall operate a vessel at greater than idle speed or create a wake within an area buoyed or marked as a “no wake” area.
Thousands of dollars of damage is caused to sea walls each year by boaters using excessive speed in “no wake” areas. This damage is the responsibility of individual property owners, not the State of Ohio. Excessive wakes near people fishing is extremely dangerous and very annoying. The lake is a shared resource for many types of recreation. Be considerate of your fellow boater.